Monday, January 2, 2017


in the weak of my heart
i sit and taste blue and red
i think of your body
and i think of mine

what is that allure of consuming you

possessing your mind
possessing your skin
possessing your spit as you swallow
i'm possessed again

i went out to the lake and watched people walk

i imagined what they were thinking
assigned names to them

celestine collects carnations and dangles them in the crook of her left arm, her freckled right hand concealed in the pocket of her cream colored coat, she bites the inside of her cheek

simon smiles to his lover, seething with tender softness, she runs her slender fingers over the nape of his neck, warm blood


sullen eyes
the moon was a milky white or did i imagine that too
i fantasized about the water

how does it feel to have your breath stopped short

silent annihilation

saccharine flavor from last week is distaste now

it broods around my tongue
but i desire it again

purple veins

uneven fingers

in the steady of my heart

it beats for abandon (i think)
i have nothing to say anymore
for my words are no better than the dirt i exploit on the ground